Thursday, January 28, 2010

Guess How Many Pounds I lost in a week.

I'll give you a hint,



As Told By Molly said...

In one week?! Way to go Carrot! That's more than I lost in one of my weeks on the diet from hell (aka HCG).

Marc and Megan said...

Yay for you!! That's about how much I feel I'm gaining every week. Maybe you can recruit me after May... though I'd hate to write everything down, too. Keep it up, girl!

Heidi said...

W.A.Y. T.O. G.O.!!!!!!!!! WOOOO HOOOOOOO. Let's party. Muffins??? :)

Deena said...

Carrot kicks a.

I mean is awesome.

Jennifer B. said...

Wahoo! Nice work!

Yvonne said...

That is GREAT. Way to go.

Millie said...

Woooo hoooooo!!!

Are you doing the Points system?

MelanieJ said...

i just want you to know that i am duly inspired. instead of blogging this morning, i exercised (thank you BYUTV!!). Consider yourself patted on the back!

Amy said...

Imagine me with pompoms and jumping up and down saying "GO CARROT! GO CARROT!"

Tarnation said...

WTG! But don't imagine me jumping up and down. Not pretty.

sevenchickadees said...

YAY for you!
But why did you have to send them to my thighs?

Thanks for sharing.

Heffalump said...

Go Carrot! Go Carrot!

Kristi said...

Why isn't there a "LIKE" button???

Woo hoo!! You go girl!!