Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Cheatin' Heart

I cheated this week, and will pay for it tonight, I am sure.
I ate three frosted heart sugar cookies.
I probably could have had one and been fine, but I didn't.
Not only that, I ate sushi.
A little too much sushi.
I should start carrying food in my purse, so the next time I go to Uwajimaya,
I will not feel the urge to buy and eat more than my share.
I must remember that I am one person, and should eat accordingly.
Shame on me.
I shouldn't shame myself here, I should just wait until I weigh in.
I'll step on the scale and say, "I don't know what happened!"
I love it when somebody says that.
Happens almost every week.
Actually, I hope it's not my turn tonight.