Tuesday, April 6, 2010

We've gone public

Only because logging in to read a blog is annoying. I'm sorry.


Millie said...

I'm glad, because I never asked for an invite and then I felt left out but then I remembered it was my own fault and then I felt worse.

Then I ate an entire box of cupcakes by myself and gained 10 pounds.

OK, none of that is true, except for the "I'm glad..." part.

Teebee said...

Thank you!!

Heffalump said...

I was still checking, but it's nice to have that instant alert when you post something new!

Brad's gaggle of girls said...

YAY! Great inspiration!

As Told By Molly said...

Tell me about it...

Yvonne said...

Now I can be a follower.

Tarnation said...

When you are famous, just remember those few that never left you.

Carrot Jello said...

Millie, sounds like something I'd do.

Teebee, you're welcome

Heffalump, glad I could help ;)

Lisa, I don't know about inspiration, but at least you can get in for free.

Molly, I know that's right.

Yvonne, lucky you ;)

Tarnation, when I am famous, I will hire you to be my leftover chef.

Klin said...

So glad I won't miss any more posts.