Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I made something new.

I made it up as I was hurrying to go out the door.
I took a can of black beans, a can of pinto beans, a can of tomatoes with green chilis and some diced ham, and threw it all in the crock pot.
I added cumin, garlic powder, chili pepper, and onion salt and stirred.
I left it on medium for a couple hours and served it over brown rice.
Hello delicious.


Heidi said...

yummmmm......that sounds so good. wonder what i can dream up in my kitchen for din-din?

Heffalump said...

Sounds good!

Millie said...

Yay, beans!!!

Heidi said...

i think it's funny that millie said "yay, beans" when there's a toilet for her picture...just sayin'! :)

Carrot Jello said...


Tarnation said...

I suppose you got all fancy and used fresh canned beans.